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(Not your typical)

Newport Wedding Officiant

Most people consider the “wedding experience” in the same way as they do riding a bicycle: there is one way it’s done, and that’s all there is to it! But with us, it’s all about the experience! Your wedding will not be the standard boilerplate ceremony that may fall short for the needs for certain couples who want less ritual, and more feelings... some laughter, some romance. Your ceremony doesn’t have to be the same old ”Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to put you to sleep”  kind of wording. Yawn.

After all, it’s not why you’ll be coming to us for your not so traditional Newport wedding officiant! Our Wedding Officiant service areas include South County, Jamestown, Middletown, Newport and Bristol.

Wedding Officiant & Photographer RI


Well, here we are, meeting online on our wedding website!


Hello there! Glad to meet you!


We are total and unrepentant Elder Beach Hippies, and we offer you simply the best, most fun, romantic and intimate wedding ceremonies this side of the Atlantic Ocean! While many other wedding services are willing to go to a beach or the seacoast to perform your ceremony, we are the Real Deal! No added cost, and no lily white feet to be found under our shoes: we don't wear shoes! We are sailing, surfing, sea shell hunting, wave riding, sand castle building, sunset watching beach people through and through!


My guess is that you've been looking at wedding websites until your eyes cross, and now the fates have brought you here to me! I'll bet this is not the first wedding site you've looked at, but I'm sure hoping that with a little gumption on your part...(and some willingness to let your inner child loose), it might be the last!


Just so you feel you've found the right place, let me tell you that I didn't just ride into town on the back of a rutabaga truck! (Well, maybe I did..) I've married thoudsands of couples over the years, and was venturing out to beaches, parks, and gardens performing weddings before it became the cool thing to do. I've married all kinds of people; tall, short, rich, poor, skinny, not so skinny, white, brown, yellow, red, black, multi colored, and maybe even a few who wanted to be invisible!


But one thing they all had in common was a desire to have a fun, simple, relaxed, spirited, and human wedding ceremony that was long on love and short on tension. I'd like to think that I delivered on that desire, and if it didn't come to pass, that was only because the couple didn't give themselves permission to relax and simply love each other. 


Painless weddings? You're looking skeptical. And why shouldn't you? Words are cheap, and promises come easy these days. I'm sure you've had friends planning a wedding who got so stressed, they wanted to climb on top of all their wedding lists and jump off just to end it all! Wedding planning will do that to people.


So I guess I'll have to admit there might be some pain in the process, but now that you've met me, you might see that there's light at the end of the tunnel! With me, your wedding ceremony will laid back and relaxed, and you'll always have my permission to have some fun along the way. Why? Because during your wedding ceremony I will be feeling the same things that you are, and I prefer it not be the urge to vomit.


If you're one of those people who feel overwhelmed or even defeated over this whole wedding planning thing, you've found the right guy! I believe that there are only 3 things you need to do for your wedding ceremony.


1.) Keep it simple.

2.) When you say those vows, love each other like there will be no tomorrow. (Because there might not be...)

3.) Keep it simple.


If you trust and let go, the rest will fall into place just fine, all by itself. I've seen it happen thousands of times.




My specialty is in providing an atmosphere of warmth, humor, love, simplicity, and a unique moment in time for the both of you. If you are feeling pressured over something in this process, give it the boot. Toss it out. Move on. This is your wedding, and it ain't nobody's dang business what you do, say, wear, or believe in. In order to have success in realizing your romantic dream wedding, you have to know only one thing: nuthin'! You don't even have to suspect anything. All you need is each other, maybe some rings, and a desire to tell that one person how much you love them, how much they mean to you, and that forever is about as far as you'll go to do it. I'll do the rest.


I'm not the normal, regular stuffed shirt one size fits all wedding officiant (incase you hadn't figured that one out on your own!), but a very laid back beach-sand and bluegrass bohemian who has always marched to the beat of his own drum.




About now you're wondering if I'm for real, or if you should take a chance and hire me to perform your wedding ceremony. (Or maybe you're thinking I should be confined somewhere!) But maybe deep down inside, you're starting to find yourself getting filled with excitement instead of the usually wedding dread!


So are you about ready to move on to yet another wedding website, or are we a fit? You'll never know until you roll up your sleeves, throw caution to the wind and give me call!


Your life may never be the same!


Don Beach.. your Newport area wedding officiant for non traditional, fun and romantic weddings on beaches, parks and even your own back yard!

fine art wedding photography Rhode Island
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